A large pile of fresh vegitables on a cutting board.

The Pantry Blog

Embracing Generosity: End of the Year Giving

Dec 5, 2023 By

Welcome to the 2023 season of giving! As we approach the end of the year, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the joys, challenges, and lessons of the past months. One tradition that marks this season is the spirit of giving. Whether it’s a gesture of kindness, a donation to a meaningful cause, or time spent volunteering, the act of giving holds the power to uplift spirits and transform lives. The Green Apple Pantry lives today to help others with donations you give to our local nonprofit.

Why is end-of-year giving so important? As the 2023 draws to a close, The Green Apple Pantry is working tirelessly to meet the needs of those less fortunate in West Michigan. Your support, whether big or small, can make a meaningful impact. It’s a chance to contribute to positive change, creating a ripple effect that resonates far beyond the holiday season.

Ways to Give Back to the GAP:

  1. Financial Contributions: Consider making a monetary donation to a cause close to your heart. Many organizations have year-end campaigns, and your contribution can make a significant difference.
  2. Volunteer Your Time: Your time is a valuable gift. Look for local charities or community initiatives that could use an extra pair of hands. Volunteering not only helps others but also brings a sense of fulfillment and connection.
  3. Donate Goods: Clean out your closets and cupboards and donate gently used items to those in need. Non-perishable food, and household items can find new life in the hands of someone who truly appreciates them.

Today, consider setting intentions for the upcoming year. As 2023 draws to a close, let’s come together in the spirit of giving. Whether you choose to make a financial contribution, volunteer time, or spread kindness, your actions have the power to create a brighter future. May your end-of-year giving be a source of joy, warmth and positive change. Thank you from The Green Apple Pantry.

Fall Harvest Gala – October 12, 2023

Aug 30, 2023 By

The Green Apple Pantry is excited to share that we are planning a NEW fall event named, the Fall Harvest Gala! The new gala will be hosted at the KC Banquet Center on Thursday, October 12, 2023 from 6-9 p.m. We invite you to come and dance, sing, taste delicious food and help others in your own community.

The 2023 theme will be “Foods From Around the World” with stations setup in the ballroom where you will be able to eat the finest food from local, West Michigan chefs. Each country’s dish will be paired along with delicious beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) to give you the experience of the country from right at home in Grand Rapids.

Tickets are $50 each or you can purchase a pair of tickets for $85. All proceeds will benefit local southern Grand Rapids and Kentwood area families in zip codes 49508, 49548, 49512, and 49316. 

Sponsorships are available for the event with four levels to choose from. The night will feature a silent and LIVE auction and the GAP is looking for donations for both. If you are interested in donating auction items or sponsoring the Gala, please contact Nancy Cromley, Executive Director. We hope to see you soon, thank you for helping feed others.

B2 Outlet Stores Give Back to The Green Apple Pantry

May 9, 2023 By

Update: B2 Outlet Stores donated $469.59
Don’t forget to shop at B2 Outlet, 2085 28th St., SE, Grand Rapids, during the month of May. The Green Apple Pantry has been designated the Mission of the Month and we’re excited to partner with them!

We are thankful to work with community businesses that help us reach our goal of giving a “hand up” to those with food insecurity!


2022 Green Apple Pantry Community Impact Report

Mar 26, 2023 By

Serving others is what we do and we could not do it with out our local community. Thank you.

“Without the financial assistance of this community and support of volunteers, we would not be able to fulfil our mission. We thank you for all you did for us in 2022 and hope you will continue to support us well into the future,” executive director Nancy Cromley said.


February Women’s Night Out

Jan 26, 2023 By

The Green Apple Food Pantry is proud to present “Women’s Night Out” on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 from 5-7 p.m. The event will be held at the pantry and is open to any woman that wants a nice, pampered evening away from the hustle and bustle of life. Heavy appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided from volunteer Chef Karen.

Local nonprofit organization “I support the girls” will be on hand to offer free bras and feminine products to attendees. Goodie bags will also be given away with a variety of health and beauty products, socks, vitamins as well as FREE chair massages and a professional to do your nails for free.

PLUS – we have a very special gift for all…you will find out when you arrive. 🙂

Who: Women in zip codes 49508, 49548, 49512, 49316
What: Women’s Night Out
When: Tuesday, February 21, 2023 | 5-7 p.m.
Where: The Green Apple Food Pantry
Why: To have a nice night out for yourself.

Please RSVP by Phone (616.455.9411) or in person at the Green Apple Pantry.

Donate to the Green Apple Pantry

Dec 23, 2022 By

End of year giving is a great way to help those in need and make a positive impact on the world. Would you consider making a donation to The Green Apple Pantry today? The end of the year is an important time for charitable giving as we sum up our budgets for the upcoming year and look at how many people we can help. Do you know our mission and story?

When you make a donation to The Green Apple Pantry, you are not only helping those in need, but you are also making a positive impact on your local community. Thank you everyone for the help, time, food, social media love and more that you have given to us in our greatest times of need.

Green Apple Pantry 2022 Highlights:

New partnership with the Grand Rapids Whole Foods Market

New food van

New refrigerated cooler

3 new Green Apple Pantry board members

1st Annual “Ciderfest” where we raised $15K

Spring open house where we raised $7K

We want to do more, that is always our goal each year. Can you help us today? Your donations directly impact people in southeast Grand Rapids, Kentwood and Caledonia.

Finally, if you are able to make your donation before the end of the year, be sure to take advantage of any tax benefits that may be available.

Giving Tuesday 2022 – The Green Apple Pantry Wants To Feed More Neighbors

Nov 17, 2022 By

Do you know our vision at The Green Apple Pantry?

At The Green Apple Pantry we seek to improve the lives of our community, by providing nourishment to our neighbors in need, supplying them with healthy food and personal items; as well as tools of empowerment. Our goal is to assist our neighbors in nourishing them in – mind, body and soul.

We are an independent, 501c3 non-profit organization and we need your help. If you feel empowered to help others and don’t want anyone to go to sleep hungry, can you give on Giving Tuesday to The Green Apple Pantry? Thank you.

You might be asking – who do we help?

280 families | 750 individuals | 286 seniors | 210 children

Neighbors receive every 4 weeks: a box of shelf stable food, meats, dairy, produce and fresh bread.

Individuals receive: 90 pounds of food

Families receive: 150 pounds of food

How do we do this? – with the help of people like you. Every week people give their time to make sure others can eat and be happy. We have 45 monthly volunteers that give 510 hours of service to our community.

Again, all proceeds from Giving Tuesday 2022 will go to the local south Grand Rapids and Kentwood friends and neighbors. We are proud to serve our neighbors and never want that to go away.

2022 Meijer Holiday Simply Give Campaign

Nov 11, 2022 By

This Thanksgiving, you can feed more people than ever before.

During the week of Thanksgiving, when your Meijer purchase includes Meijer brand food, Simply Give will provide a meal to feed a neighbor in need. The Green Apple Pantry is one of the holiday recipients of the 2022 Meijer Holiday Simply Give Campaign. We are honored to be able to partner with Meijer once again to help our neighbors.

2022 Meijer Simply Give and The Green Apple PantryHow to Give To The Green Apple Pantry

During each Simply Give campaign, customers are encouraged to purchase a $10 Simply Give donation card upon checkout. Once purchased, the donation is converted into a Meijer Food-Only Gift Card and donated directly to the local food pantry selected by the store.

Meijer customers shopping online using Meijer pickup or home delivery can also purchase Simply Give donation cards as an add-on to their orders (choose Gaines Marketplace or Cascade/28th Street location).

The Simply Give holiday campaign will run now through Dec. 31, 2022. Meijer will double match any cards purchased Saturday, Dec. 17, effectively tripling contributions made on those days (Gaines Marketplace and Cascade/28th Street locations).

CLICK HERE to donate online to The Green Apple Pantry or donate in-store when you check out (Gaines Marketplace and Cascade/28th Street locations). Thank you again to the 2022 Meijer Holiday Simply Give campaign for the support and helping us feed more families in the greater Grand Rapids/Kentwood area.

At The Green Apple Pantry we seek to improve the lives of our community, by providing nourishment to our neighbors in need, supplying them with healthy food and personal items; as well as tools of empowerment. Our goal is to assist our neighbors in nourishing them in – mind, body and soul.

Donate A Turkey For Those in Need.

Oct 27, 2022 By

Everyone wants to have a happy holiday season – no matter what holiday they celebrate. At the Green Apple Pantry we give each family a “holiday” meal box with all the trimmings and that always includes a turkey for dinner. Could you help us make a family have a memorable holiday season in 2022?

“We love to help others celebrate and feel love together during the holiday season,” executive director Nancy Cromley said. “Our goal is that every single family that comes to our door can leave with a box of goodies that can help create those special memories.”

If you would like to donate funds for the Green Apple Pantry to help others during the 2022 holiday season, please donate here. The cost of a Turkey this season is around $30 each as a reference.

At The Green Apple we seek to improve the lives of our community, by providing nourishment to our neighbors in need, supplying them with healthy food and personal items; as well as tools of empowerment. Our goal is to assist our neighbors in nourishing them in – mind, body and soul.

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