With a population of just over 90,000, the majority of Southeast Kent County’s residents are living in poverty. 56.7% of residents between the ages of 18 – 64 years old live at or below poverty levels, and 14.7% of those able to work are unemployed (according to the US Census). Both numbers are higher than Kent County averages — 57.3% and 13.7% respectively. These conditions compounded by limited availability of transportation due to the suburban and rural geography of the community, make access to affordable food, clothing, and services critical.
Our neighbors have needs beyond the basics of food and clothing. Families, seniors, and those living with chronic diseases in poverty need food, clothing, wellness education, and help navigating the support systems meant to enhance their lives. We provide the neighbors of South Kent County with a variety of support services to meet all of those needs.
4307 Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids MI 49508
P.O. Box 8124, Grand Rapids MI 49508