A large pile of fresh vegitables on a cutting board.

The Pantry Blog

One Volunteer Tells His Story: Boldenow says, “I receive much more at ‘The Pantry’ than I give.”

Oct 21, 2015 By

Wednesday mornings I volunteer at ‘The Pantry’, a food bank located at John Knox Presbyterian Church.  Early in the morning I sort fruits and vegetables and display them in a pleasant way for clients to pick up; ironically my first job as a young teen was sorting and displaying fruits and vegetables in an urban farm stand. Flashbacks.

At 10:00 am ‘The Pantry’ opens and I do ‘intake’ which involves talking with the clients and making entries in an area wide database that tracks income, number of people in the family, address, visits to the pantry, and the like.  This not only ensures that we are serving the clients in need and prevents jumping from one pantry to another, but allows us to identify other pressing needs that can be addressed.

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