A large pile of fresh vegitables on a cutting board.

The Pantry Blog

Happy Holiday Season!

Dec 8, 2021 By

Happy Holiday Season!

Our first Harvest Open House was held at the pantry in Mid-October. I am happy to say, it was a huge success. A big shout out to everyone who helped make it a memorable event. There is nothing like hosting an event in house. Everyone knows, things must be cleaned, organized, tossed, and painted. Our new garden space was also tidied up! I must say we looked pretty good!

November brought the holiday giving season. We always provide a Thanksgiving box to our neighbors. These boxes included Thanksgiving foods as well as a turkey. This year 265 Thanksgiving boxes were distributed and additional 293 families received regular pantry. Needless to say, we were very busy during the month of November.

We are now fully into the Christmas season. The Green Apple traditionally does not provide a Christmas box during the month of December. However, we will be handing out our Federal Commodity boxes along with regular pantry. This equates to well over 230 of food per family.

Although the fall season keeps us very busy if is a joyful time to be at the pantry. Our neighbors continue to share their appreciation for the abundance to food The Green Apple Pantry provides.

Wishing everyone a blessed Holiday Season.



Nancy Cromley

Executive Director



















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