A large pile of fresh vegitables on a cutting board.

The Pantry Blog

We Need Your Help Moving Our Garden!

Jun 23, 2021 By

Happy Summer Everyone. One day it is 90 degrees, and then 68! That is weather in Michigan…very uncertain. Just like this past year!

As our families continue to face uncertainty, one thing is certain, The Green Apple Pantry is open and filled with an abundance of food. We have weathered the storm of Covid.

This past year has brought us many challenges, but we have been blessed with the support of our community both financially and through wonderful new partnerships, providing us with much needed fresh produce, meats, and shelf stable foods.

Unfortunately, one uncertainty remains, our community garden, “Neighborhood Roots.” Due to unforeseen circumstances, we will have to relocate this garden.

There is a stretch of land behind our building that we feel ultimately will be a perfect spot. Sadly, it will have to be cleared. If you, or anyone you know can assist, we would love to have help. Once the land is cleared and graded, we will have to relocate our planters, rocks, and shed. This seems overwhelming, but I know with community support everything is possible!

Please reach out if this is something you can help with. Then, we can take this uncertain situation off our plates.


Nancy Cromley


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