Here we are well into the start of 2021. What a crazy year 2020 was. At times things were difficult, challenging, and INSPIRING! I am now looking towards Spring 2021 with new hope and excitement.
I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who offered support during 2020. We continue to have volunteers who work in the building, restocking, and packing food, and volunteers who pick up product. We had pantry supporters offer time and expertise to plant and maintain our garden, Neighborhood Roots, and those who worked tirelessly to make our first, Garden Harvest Fundraising Event a huge success. We could not possibly do what we do without your help and financial support.
Although bringing people together is not currently possible, we continue to look for new opportunities and programming, to offer support to this community.
The pandemic threw us a curve ball, back in March, and despite the many changes we continue to focus on our mission of providing healthy food to our families in need.
So now I focus on new and exciting opportunities with hope that 2021 is a more peaceful year.
Stay Safe and Healthy,
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